www.deonlocal.com - Deon Local

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ About Deon Local Directory

Who can register for a directory listing?

Any business can register for a listing in DeonLocal.com. The goal of the directory is to promote awareness of local businesses and services as well to connect the businesses together.

What are my directory plan options?

Currently, you can select from a Business and Premium plans listing. All listings include details such as your business name, address, phone number, and contact name, etc; and a listing in 3 or 7 business categories.   See our "Add Your Listing" page for more details and pricing. If you decide to remove your directory listing, for any reason, there is no refund.

How do I register for a directory listing?

You can register by going to our "Add Your Listing" page. Select your listing type, and then "Select Business Plan" or "Select Premium Plan" button on the bottom of the page. Just follow the directions, agree to the terms and conditions, pay the required fee, and submit your registration. The contact person identified during registration will receive immediate confirmation that your directory listing was successfully submitted. Your directory listing should appear on Deon Local Business Directory as soon as you confirm your email address and filled all require information of the listing.   You can find more information for each step at "How It Works" page.

How do I change or update my directory listing?

You control the content in your directory listing and have the capability to update it online whenever you need to make a change. During the online registration process, you will choose a password. Record this information in safe place for future reference. When you want to make a change, go to DeonLocal.com and login. Your email and password will give you access to the ability to edit your listing.

What if I don’t find a directory category that fits my business or organization?

While the business directory covers a broad section of categories, a business or organization may not find a category that describes its services. If possible, please use the existing categories; if you find this unworkable, please contact us. We will decide whether it can accommodate a request for a new category, as the addition may have broader impact on the directory organization and maintenance.

How do I access your Facebook Group?

Search on Facebook for “Deon Local Business Networking” or JOIN HERE.

How will I renew my listing?

Listings are renewed automatically.

Is the information asked/posted on Deon Local kept secure? Is my email and data kept safe?

Yes! We take your privacy very seriously. Our website is secured with SSL 256-bit encryption and is scanned for malware daily. We never share your information, email, or personal information with anyone and is kept strictly confidential. 

Deon Local Business Directory Features

Over 1,070 Business Catregories

Deon Local Business directory includes a large number of Categories, you can add your business to.

Search Engine Optimize Directory

The business directory is search engine friendly and optimized for indexation and fast loading speed.

Connect with other Businesses

Easy connect with businesses you you are looking for from any industry.

Easy to be found and connect

Your listing in the directry make your business to be found and connect by potential leads and customers.

Choice of listing

We offer 2 types of paid listings in the business directory to choce from based on your business goals.

Perfect citation for your Business

Listing your business in  Deon Local  Business directory gives you a business citation and direct link to your business.